^ David holds the $5000 top price ram with buyers Meridee and Brendan Groves, Booleroo Centre and Paul Kilby, Elders.
BUYERS bid strongly at Mernowie Poll Merino stud’s 29th annual on-property ram sale on Friday last week, ensuring a total clearance despite more rams on offer.
Heavy rainfall earlier in the week saw the road into the property only re-opened on the eve of the sale, but despite the considerable rainfall in the past few months, the rams’ wool had held up well.
In total, the Rowett family sold all 104 rams on offer to $5000, averaging $1653 – $73 down on the 2015 sale average.
Mernowie stud principal Ian Rowett said they had catalogued 32 extra rams to ensure clients received value for money. With 33 registered buyers, bidding was solid throughout the sale.
The $5000 top price ram sold to loyal clients, the Groves family, Karawa, Booleroo Centre, who also bought the top price ram at the past two sales.
The 104-kilogram April-May 2015-drop ram had a 18.1 micron fleece with 99.9 per cent comfort factor.
It had Australian Sheep Breeding Values of 6.4 for yearling weight and 0.7 for yearling eye muscle depth.
The Groves bought three rams averaging $4033.
Brendan and Meridee Groves said they had been buying exclusively from Mernowie for 15 years and were impressed with the sale topper – “a big uncomplicated sheep that stands well with very good wool covering and quality”.
Volume buyers that operated strongly throughout the catalogue included Burge Estates, Tanunda, with 16 rams to $3600, averaging $1925.
Mr Burge, who has been buying at Mernowie for at least a decade, said the stud had “big, plain-bodied sheep with the right wool type for their 600 millimetres to 875mm rainfall wet country”.
Andriske Farms, Loxton, bought six rams to $4200, averaging $2267; I&M Kelly, Lock, bought six rams to $2600, averaging $1950; BP&JM Thomas, Peterborough, bought eight rams to $1600, averaging $1325; MDG&KS Thomas, Jamestown, bought six rams to $1400, averaging $1100; BI, MF, JI&JT Ker, Broken Hill, NSW, bought 13 rams averaging $800; while Yednalue Props, Orroroo, secured 10 rams for a $930 average.
Long-time client Kerry Rowett, Bordertown, took home two rams for $4000 and $3800.
He has been using Mernowie bloodlines for 15 years, impressed with their easy-care attributes.
He says their shearers like their plain bodies and good combing wools.
“The wether lambs are easy to sell direct to meatworks and they do not have dag problems like some others in the area,” Kerry said.
Ian Rowett was very pleased with the total clearance, with six new clients and strong support from repeat clients. Other highlights included stud sales to Craiglee at Manoora and Narcoota at Eudunda.
Elders and Landmark conducted the sale, with Elders’ Paul Kilby the auctioneer.