^ David Andriske, Galga, holding Lot 3, one of the six rams they bought, with Maddy and Luke Andriske and Ian Rowett, Mernowie, Marrabel.
Mernowie presented a very even increased offering of 103 rams at the stud’s 34th annual on-property sale at Marrabel on Friday.
The stud achieved a total clearance of the 103 rams offered in the main auction with a slight increase in the sale average price.
Ray and David Andriske, Galga, bought the top priced ram – lot 5, tag 700 – with the final knock down bid of $8800.
The ram, sired by Glenlea Park 180030, had Australian Sheep Breeding Values of 27.9 clean fleece weight, 8.9 yearling weight and a stunning, white, crimpy 19.7 micron wool.
The Andriskes, who have been buying Mernowie rams since 1983, bought six rams in total, for an average $5233.
Ray said they took pride in having good sheep and use electronic tags and fleece weigh and micron test all of their ewe hoggets.
They regularly achieve outstanding returns for surplus ewes and wether lambs on-hook, while the reputation of their genetics rewarded the Andriske’s last year with fellow Mernowie clients Peter, Kerry and Steven Rowett, Bordertown buying Andriske’s 1.5 year old ewes.
A number of father and son combinations operated throughout the sale, including Wayne and Brendan Groves, Booleroo Centre who bought the first two rams in the catalogue.
They finished up with a quality team of five rams to a top of $5200 and average of $4400.
“We select big frame, plain bodied rams with good wool cuts and the Mernowie sheep are very easy care,” Brendan said.
The Groves look for rams to complement their 18.5-19M ewes.
Grant Burge, Burge Estates, Tanunda, is a very strong and loyal supporter at Mernowie, buying a large number of rams every year.
This year Mr Burge bought 28 rams to $2600, averaging $1704.
“We were looking for sheep with a plainer body and able to avoid fleece rot in our country, which ranges from 500 millimetre to 750 mm rainfall,” he said.
“We have dropped our micron from 21 down to 19 and achieve 76 per cent yield. The wools are very white.
“Mernowie sheep also have very good carcass shape and we get very good returns from our wether lambs.”
First time buyer Tristan Oliver, Eudunda, bought eight rams for an average of $1938.
Another father son combination were active, with Darren and Ruben Solly, Yednalue, Cradock, securing 21 rams, including some from the mini auction.
Malcolm and Adam Thomas, Yatina, took home four rams to $2800. Brian and Andrew Thomas, Peterborough paid up to $2400 for their five. Sam and Graham Przibilla, Riverton, bought three rams to $4800.
With 34 different buyer accounts, including four first time buyers, there was strong competition throughout the catalogue.
Other destinations for rams included Balaklava, Beetaloo Valley, Jamestown, Kapunda, Lock, Mundoora, Rhynie, Victor Harbor, Yongala and White Cliffs, NSW.
Mernowie’s David Rowett was pleased with the clearance, including with the mini auction sale results, with them selling 34 more rams than last year.
“We are continuing to attract clients to tap into our high fertility with a number of our clients now regularly achieving close to 130pc lambs,” he said.
Nutrien auctioneer Leo Redden said that Mernowie presented “true dual-purpose rams with balanced data to match that are ideal for a fantastic industry”.
Duty agent was Nutrien Beaton Agencies at Kapunda.